They can learn up to level 5 spells, but their claim to fame is their Cantrip Eldritch Blast that shoots a beam of Force Damage from very long distances, and can be upgraded to knock enemies backward. Your aim is simple: Use your hide and sneak attacks to take out enemies as fast as possible. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. EK also have some class features, like when You use a cantrip you can use a weapon attack as a bonus action. They are NOT custom characters. You can't carry a shield with a 2H weapon (unless it's versatile). Note that dual wielding overlaps with using your bonus actions on spells like Hex. With Devil's Sight, you can remain inside, gaining an advantage against enemies within while remaining safe from ranged attacks, all while casting spells with no. 1. darkmanx24. Finally, we have confirmation that Pact of the Blade will enable charisma-based weapon scaling, a mechanic that in tabletop was reserved for the Hexblade subclass that isn't present in BG3. Bind Pact Weapon is a class action available to Warlocks that choose Pact of the Blade at level 3. Take Heavy Armor at Level 4 plus STR. It. Gather your party and venture forth!. They possess high charisma, enhancing their dialogue capabilities, and can learn spells up to Level 5. And, Warlock Spell Slots replenish on Short Rest, and Bards have Song of Rest. you can use a reaction to shield yourself and diminish the effect's damage. When dual wielding you dont get disadvantage, you just dont add your modifier to the damage from the offhand. Wondering if there is a way to downgrade spell to lower level of current spell slot level. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Choose two “Light” melee weapons, checking their stats. Most cantrips are ranged, but a few, most notably Shocking Grasp, are melee spell attacks (can be cast while threatened with no penalty - it's basically the caster equovalent of making a melee swing). ; However, players can combine two classes to make the BG3 Best Multiclass playstyle. At least until you get magical light armor. Melee Bardlock and Lockadin viability. You'll note that going from mage armor to +1 scale mail also increases AC by 2 and decreases hit. So you would get the opportunity attack, which you cannot perform (due to the shield), but replace by a spell (due to War Caster). Yes, definitely. Note that trying to use a ranged spell while threatened will give you disadvantage on the roll. I saw this and was like "Oh okay he must have Pact of the Blade. Normally in D&D 5e, warlocks have access to the Pact of the Blade. Adding shield shield proficiency seems like a way to make it more likely to get used. matthileo. The Fiend is a Warlock Subclass that is focused on increasing the Warlocks's survivability. Darth_Trethon #871430 29/07/23. Eldritch Blast is by far the best cantrip in the game, don't feel bad about spamming it. Without Hexblade, normal warlocks lack medium armor and shield proficiency. With the recent reveal that BG3 has changed Warlock's Pact of the Blade to allow you to use Charisma for attacks, one of my first thoughts was a Bladelock 3+ multiclass with either Swords Bard or Paladin. Choose a Warlock Patron (The Fiend, The Great Old One, The Archfey) 2. So we're looking at 21 AC right off the bat. Also, there are two warlock invocations which can further improve your bonded weapon's abilities. Still, a pact of the blade warlock can do 4d6+2d6(hex)+8(CHA)+20. If you give the medium armor feature to Wyll at 4th lvl he can use a rapier and a shield and medium armor, at that point hes just as high of an AC as shadow heart, much better long-ranged attacks, and is competent in melee with one or two extra spells/ Magic items. +2. The Warlock class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a unique blend of spellcasting and melee combat. The Improved Pact. seayeah. Specialty – Warlocks are super specialist spellcasters that lack the utility of the Wizard, but make up for it with some great unique abilities. Shield Proficiency is a Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. And if you do get hit hard, use Vampiric Touch to heal yourself even without killing the target. +2. In this post, we will go through Melee Warlock Bladelock Build for Baldur's Gate 3. Warlock Class Details. • 4 mo. Warlocks are nice in that their primary method of attack isn't spells with limited uses, but rather Eldritch Blast - a cantrip you can use as much as you want. Resilient CON is at least an easier pickup for a caster. Check out our guide for an overview of the Warlock class, including its related subclasses, class features, best races to use, and best builds. Your Spell DC for Warlock is 8+ (proficiency=2)+ (Cha modifier). This means that lets say you have an 18 Cha your DC becomes 16 (8+2+4). Medium armour. Warlock Spells lists stats, effects, requirements and descriptions for BG3. you use one action to cast eldritch blast. You basically just can't play the game, idk why you can even equip it if you. Pact of the Blade weapon binding choices in BG3. BG3MM will complain there's no script extender installed because of step 1, ignore. Everyone can dual wield and if you have hand crossbow or martial proficiency you can place a hand crossbow in your. At 5th level they'd be able to pick Thirsting blade, letting them make two attacks when they take the attack action. It's also 10gp per cast in 5e, which puts a bit of a dampener on that idea at early levels. g. If the rumored light armor proficiency for humans turns out to be in the game gale might just be able to wear light armor when the final release comes out. If you don’t mind waiting until level 8. Warlocks are a hybrid of simple melee attackers and powerful casters in BG3. When you are about to be hit by an enemy, increase your Armour Class by 5. Druids are proficient with simple weapons, which include the Quarterstaff. 1 Background skill proficiencies; 7. Absolute Warboard is a significant mention of Baldur’s Gate 3 Best Shields, as it comes with an “ Absolute Protection ” special effect and adds a +2 Armor Class. There are no drawbacks or penalties to casting while in armor, provided you are proficient. 10 turns. • 4 mo. Warlock is in a weird place, its strong but lacks the spell slots of other classes. It is a simple toggle. Since you are Proficient with any bound weapon, you get. 2. Start game, console should show v8. 5 Level 4 Spells. Gains armour proficiency with Medium Armour and shields, and increases Strength or Dexterity by 1 (maximum of 20). Use a reaction to attack enemies within melee range that attack your allies. They added an average of 7 damage to the die roll because its the iconic wizard spell. I get your point. If a spell forces the character to make a Dexterity saving throw, he can use the reaction to shield. you can use Telekinesis again without expending a spell slot. It does not cost an action, bonus action or any other resource to switch between them. It really depends on if you get Pact of the Blade, but Warlocks can use all Simple Weapons, which is more than what the Wizard can get. Paladins and warlocks use charisma for their spellcasting so they're the best if very high charisma is important to you, but you can get away with 12 charisma and proficiency in persuasion and deception if you choose another class. Wizards are nerds. While not nearly infinite like its tabletop sibling, 12 Sorcery Points for the cost of a handful. Features provide unique abilities or effects and can be acquired depending on the Character's Race, Class and level. Shield Master. It's a good idea to have one or two melee-focused party members, a perfect slot for the Fighter Class to fill in. Somatic component or not. You have to get that from some other source. Bind to your main hand weapon. You can use a bow or crossbow without penalty while carrying it. There are over 200 spells at launch, with over 600 confirmed by Larian to be added to the game. You get 3 luck rolls per long rest that you can make use of on pretty much any D20 roll. Shield is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. The Way of the Open Hand completely makes the Monk a pure martial based class. Wizards, with spell slots of 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1, have a total output of 89 spell levels worth of spells. He. This is a level 1 spell that, as a Reaction, allows you to increase your Armor Class by five points. Thanks in advance. • 3 mo. hells. Requirements: Lvl 4, available for all classes. Skills show how. Warlock is a character Class in Baldur's Gate 3. Most Warlocks. Any can wear heavy, if they get it from a multiclass feature. fencing masters to cunning elven warlocks. The Warlock Subclasses are: The Fiend, The Great Old One, The Archfey. That build can really pump some EBs there with Sorcery points, far better than Warlock alone ever could. Okay medium armor (e. But if you're aiming for strength, a. In PnP, pretty much everyone who plays a Hexblade takes Pact of the Blade because they mesh strongly. Adamantine weapons can already bypass damage reduction, and once you bond a weapon, it becomes Magical. An oft overlooked fact. Items Here’s a list of all the Shields that you can find in Baldur’s Gate 3. It really comes down to what you want to focus. It's a bit more complicated than that in actual play. I would say longswords are generally better for hexblade since you have the option of using the versatile attribute whenever you're not using a shield. Warlocks in Baldur's Gate 3 are charismatic spellcasters who make a deal with a powerful Patron. Shield of Devotion. 2. Just ele shams and holy pals, and only sometimes. Anyone can put on a suit of armor or strap a shield to an arm. Last edited by FrostyFardragon; 29/07/23 09:37 AM. Adding shield shield proficiency seems like a way to make it more likely to get used. Shield Spell Guide and Effects. Additional Spell Slot: You gain 1 Level 1 spell slot. Or you can cast mage armor on yourself (AC=13+DEX) and not wear the leather. That's an even worse idea than spending a feat on it. The block ability in bg3 reduces damage to half, if you failed a dex save and you still take no damage on a sucessful dex save. They know relatively few spells, but don't need to prepare them to use them. Consider this a great pickup in Act 2 and if you have Shield Proficiency, you can use in conjunction to still get the Armour Class (AC) benefit. This way they can wield a quarterstaff single handed with a shield in the off-hand, but still do 1d8+Wis damage like they were using the quarterstaff with both hands. Press " R " or the. Warcaster only removes the "need a free hand for somatic components" part of casting with somatic components. In bg3 you can use heavy crossbow with. Your character requires shield proficiency to be able to equip it. Baldur's Gate 3 best Warlock build. The abilities best suited for a Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3 will vary depending on the player's Pact of choice once their Warlock hits Level 3. Class/Subclass. As flames. At level 5 you get two eldritch blasts. At 5th level, warlocks can cast two EB beams per turn, just like fighters get two attacks per turn. Here's a complete guide to the class, subclasses, and abilities. Warcaster does not give you shield proficiency. Because it would look cool. At level 5, the Boon you receive is upgraded. The Warlock is brilliantly versitile class, able to deal huge damage at range and in melee depending on your subclass. EB is 1d10 + CHA. To be honest, you'll rarely be using the weapon in the early levels, though, because Eldritch Blast is so superior. Classes and races both start with a set of “proficiencies” which is why a Gith Wizard can wield a greatsword and a Shield Dwarf Wizard can wear medium armor without penalty because it’s their racial bonuses. You can do this once per short rest so Wizards and Warlocks. EZman1. Best Multiclass for Necromancer Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3. but specifically, no, your weapon provides no modifier or bonus to Eldritch Blast specifically, although as someone else mentioned, some weapons, particularly staves, may inadvertently give you bonuses. Useful low-level spells in Baldur's Gate 3 can provide an edge in combat and turn the battlefield to the party's advantage. Mage Hand: Summon a spectral hand that can interact with objects from a distance. Warlocks in Baldur's Gate 3 are charismatic spellcasters who make a deal with a powerful Patron. Shield Conduit: The shield shrouds the wearer with Force Conduit at the start of its turn in combat. You can’t use a Two-Handed weapon with your Dexterity Modifier in BG3, and the only Finesse Weapon that has a D8 is the Rapier, which means most Paladins will use. And dont underestimate shield bash's knockdown effect. Moonrise Towers, Act 2. this gives you extra attack, action surge, and heavy armor/shield for defense. By: Jackson Wery. From here on out, the best weapons, armor, and items in Baldur’s Gate 3 are found in the Underdark. With a pseudodragon curled on his shoulder, a young elf in golden robes smiles warmly, weaving a magical charm into his honeyed words and bending the palace sentinel to his will. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or. And Dark One's Blessing is incredibly powerful if you manage to get last hit. A lower dexterity means you aren't great at ranged combat which BG3 is especially good at. Warlocks are. The following list represents the best individual use consumable items that will aid in our Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock Archfey Build: Potion of Greater Healing : 8d4 + 8 healing and removes burning. 3. Kind of explains why our warlock suddenly can't use Magic after he got turn unto another race. Warlock Spells lists stats, effects, requirements and descriptions for BG3. At 2 short rests per day you're casting 12 spells, all at 5th level, plus one spell each of levels 6, 7, 8, and 9. So its reasonable to assume that in BG3 we get that too. When you are about to be hit by an enemy, use your Reaction to increase your Armour Class by 5. Warlock Spells is a spell category in Baldur's Gate 3. ) Steal a robe from one of the mages in this area, and try again. Bards and Sorcerers. Wearing Medium Armour will not impose Disadvantage on your Attack Rolls or prevent the casting of spells. It only alters upwards when cast with a higher level slot, at a ratio of +1d6 per slot higher than 3rd. In the full game, you can armor proficiencies via multiclassing also. Published Jul 16, 2023. Fire Shield is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. This spell shields the spellcaster with luminous energy. Most armor proficiencies give you a +2-+3 AC increase over the prior tier and they often have a drawback. Paladin is on theme with the Sharran background. This reaction can send an. First, the reason it's not perfectly balanced in 5e, is that Find Familiar is a ritual with 1 hour casting time, so you can resurrect your familiar at most 10-15 times per day and need to take an entire hour each time. -. You can use the pact magic slots as smite slots. Warlocks are one of the spellcasting classes in both Baldur’s Gate 3 and traditional Dungeons & Dragons with the unique spin that they get their magic and power from a Pact with a mysterious, usually malevolent, Patron. It's also how it works in BG3 although the main issue is that the game is currently bugged to force Warlock spells to be upcast to the highest available spellslot in certain situations, which breaks certain reaction spells like Hellish Rebuke. Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock Class Guide. Metamagic allows the Sorcerer to change the properties of a spell, extending its reach, increasing its duration, or even making it. Fire Shield. Deepened Pact, Pick 1 Eldritch Invocation. Be that as it may, BG3 is sadly. Shields can be equipped to character's off-hand in their designated inventory slot and provide different effects ranging from increased Saving. Each subclass is flavored as the type of Divine Patron that the Warlock chooses to enter their contract with. Studded Shield. Not in BG3 no, but actually in 5e two handed weapons don't inhibit casting at all. 7. Sorcerers and Warlocks are both know n casters, they start with 2 spells at lvl 1 and get an additional one every level, starting at level 10 they will only get a new spell every other level. Dual-wielding in Baldur's Gate 3 is done by following these steps: Go into your character's inventory. Just ele shams and holy pals, and only sometimes. 1. The Warlock is one of twelve classes in Baldur’s Gate 3. The goal is to be able to upcast the most powerful version of the Animated Dead spell, which allows you to call upon Ghouls and. You can go there now or first explore the area or embark on quests and gather items here. • 3 mo. Shield. Playing a Warlock in Baldur's Gate 3 is a little different from other magic classes. Classes for Baldur's Gate 3 are styles of play for each character of the game. Wizard has the most expanded spell list in the game. Captain Weegee Oct 8, 2020 @ 2:25pm. But the pact with the Fiend is by far the most appealing option of the three available. Paladins, Sorcerers, and Warlocks use Charisma. Problem is most people who are gonna use int as their main casting stat, are gonna wanna go to 18 and 20 as soon as possible, so the helm really only helps them til level 3 or so. At least one of whom is definitely in BG3 (Vlaakith - undead/undying warlock). Description . BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. ago. The Warlock Class Progression. Tips and Tricks in BG3 Best Ways To Use Mage Hand Healer Tips To Follow To Avoid Party TPK. A melee set, where you can use a sword and a shield, and a ranged set, for dual hand crossbows etc. Warlocks who invest in Enlightened Spirit enhancements can eventually pick up Medium Armor proficiency (and the ability to ignore ASF in medium armor). 2 levels for agonizing blast and then multiclass into either sorc or bard if want to stay ranged/casting (sorc can get ridiculous damage with warlock) or if you want to go melee get to warlock 5 pact of the blade and then multiclass (I think this works best with Paladin because of smite but you can argue for some of the others, ex: fighter gets. 5. Lastly, monks can take. Barbarian armor is 10 + con + dex for a max of 20 at 20 dex/20 con, not counting bonuses from items. I’m thinking Larian might have designed it this way, a 17 AC warlock is kinda insane, especially a non hexblade with 17 AC. When building a Warlock Rogue, it is crucial to prioritize certain stats to maximize its effectiveness. Only EB increases # of bolts instead) So you could be Warlock level 2 and Sorceror 10 for example (total character Level 12). This grants proficiency in heavy armor, shields, and martial weapons. This also isn't entirely correct. ; The Great Old One's first unique feature Mortal Reminder allows to inflict the Frightened status effect when you land a critical hit. Since we're talking about the final game, you're probably best off dipping fighter for 1 level for better. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a -1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. 1 Warlock Spell List. warlock patrons CAN'T be major NPCs because they'll only ever exist for warlock characters. Alert. but not the best decision when you meet a cleric, a rogue and a wizard. Shield. Shield of Devotion is a Shield in Baldur's Gate 3. Shield Conduit: The shield shrouds the wearer with Force Conduit at the start of its turn in combat. Ideally, you’d have a different Race than the one I’m using so that’s either a Half-Elf or Human to gain Shield Proficiency. They can learn up to level 5 spells, but their claim to fame is their Cantrip Eldritch Blast that shoots a beam of Force Damage from very long distances, and can be upgraded to. Class. If you selected a High Half-Elf or Human, equip a shield too for passive AC Boost. At bard level 6, pick up. Trading their loyalty for supernatural abilities, the Warlock can choose to become The Fiend, The Great Old One, or an Archfey. ago. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a -1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to knock it Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity Saving Throw. Origin. The Potent Robe is especially good for warlocks and their iconic Eldritch Blast. The other BG3 Origin characters are a little harder to pin down; however, it is reasonable to assume that Karlach would be a similar level to Wyll. Draconic Sorcerers for example can add their Charisma mod to damage rolls on spells matching the element of their chosen ancestry at level 6, and several Cleric domains can add their Wisdom mod to the damage of Cleric cantrips at level 8. Fun fact, from 5e own spell scaling guidance, fireball should be 6d6 rather than 8d6 damage. • 3 mo. At level four, each class can pick either ability. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. It last until long rest, scales well and as a warlock you can just short rest immediately after casting it to regain the spell slot, but keep the spell. , rapiers. The Great Old One: This Warlock Subclass is bound to eldritch beings in the Far Relams, granting them. . The War Caster feat explicitly fixes this problem for spells with no M component. #3. So that would be 26d6+65. As a druid. Lae’zel ( Fighter ): melee damage, survivability, and utility. Druid Grove, Act 1 +1 to saving throws. You may want to look at the free Mage Armour power when you level up. The rest of good warlock items come from act 3, i think devil-related vendor (forgot the name) sells good cape and hat, also some good items in sorcerer's sunderies shop. Though there are definitely strong Fighter builds that call for shields. Paladins multiclass better with warlocks or sorcerers, but you might get a cleric mix to work. I believe it is the same in BG3 based on the damage shadowheart does with sacred flame. Darth_Trethon #871430 29/07/23. Warcaster gets you (in BG3): - advantage on concentration saving throws. It is also harder to get a reasonable AC in BG3 due to the lack of good armor in the game. dannazgu. Medium Armour: Gain +2 max Dexterity modifier plus equipped armour. A high Charisma is essential for spellcasting and dialogue checks. In this game a Quarterstaff is a two-handed weapon. Warlocks derive their power from pacts with formidable entities in the game, granting them magical spell slots. If you are gonna be in melee your best option is heavy armor, as its just the best defense. This is particularly useful on melee martials who take more damage, as they are generally closer to enemies, and are the only ones who can reliably be. Skills / Spell Unlockables. Hexblade also has an expanded spell list of smites, as well as the relentless hex and hexblade curse concept, it's not just hitting things with a sword good, no other warlock pact does all the stuff hexblade does if you roll hex warrior into pact of the blade like BG 3 did. Shields are Stupid. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it. Mage armor is going to be better for Gale, until you find magical light armor (AC 13+). You can also gain extra proficiencies from your choice of race or subrace. I have no idea how Warlocks are going to work in One D&D, or if One D&D is even remotely. Fireball. Baldur’s Gate 3 Sorcerer Class Guide. Yoooo thank you. If you are carrying a weapon AND a shield, you cannot cast spells that have a somatic component unless you have the War Caster feat. When I try to cast it, it says it requires a level 2 slot (which is Bard slot). When I was a level two Wizard, I opted to learn a few spells that I found in scrolls. Warlocks use Charisma as their. Pick up agonizing blast, devil sight. And this can be further modified by shield spell AC. In order to correctly dual wield weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3, here’s what you need to do: Go into your character's inventory (either click the option on the screen or press I). Shield Master: You gain a +2 bonus to your dexterity saving throws while wielding a shield. Yes, they are. On a failed save, you only take half damage. Clerics, Druids, and Rangers use Wisdom. Abilities. Here is the wording in the 5e PHB: "When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to. Make a high str/con, low dex knight-ranger. Being a BG3 Warlock, your Charisma is super important. Yup, somatic components are ignored. Shields are armor, the rules on armor proficiency state you can use armor regardless of proficiency, but you get some hefty disadvantages (literal disadvantage on pretty much everything, plus you can’t cast spells). Mage armor is still going to be better even after you find magic light armor. Fiend is generally the best however since Evard's got fixed this patch GOOlock is looking juicy. Shield of Devotion. We’ve updated our list now that we’ve passed the Baldur’s Gate 3 release date. Shadowblade doesn't give you medium armor, shield proficiency, or the shield spell. So shield + Mage Armor should 100% work, unless Larian intentionally designed this for balance/any reason. *Some groups only have 1 or two combats between long rests. Warlock is a Class in Baldur's Gate 3. Fire Shield: Lvl 4: Evocation: Action Level 4 Warlock Spell Slot: 2d8 Fire (Conditional). So lets imagine the character has 18 dex, mage armor while not wearing armor but also equips a shield. Lae'zel is a fighter. (Make sure you use re-apply Hex spell, it's separate from Hex. Here’s how the armour in Baldur’s Gate 3 calculates Armour Class (AC): Light Armour: Dexterity modifier added to based equipped armour. Immobilize an affected enemy for the rest of the turn by restricting them from moving. If you give the medium armor feature to Wyll at 4th lvl he can use a rapier and a shield and medium armor, at that point hes just as high of an AC as shadow heart, much better long-ranged attacks, and is competent in melee with one or two extra spells/ Magic items. This is one reason why paladins multiclass to warlock (ignoring hexblade). Classes that can gain Weapon Bond. You should be aiming to get most your party to 20+ ac, which is really easy to do in this game the way it allows casters to easily pick up heavy armor, and shields. Warlocks however uniquely get to regen spell slots on short rest. Wielding a shield will not impose Disadvantage on your Attack Rolls or prevent the casting of spells. Armors you aren't proficient in give you disadvantage on any ability checks, saving throw and attack that involves strength or dexterity and you can't cast spells while wearing them either. This penalty stacks with those that. Fighters have mastered the art of combat, wielding weapons with unmatched skill and wearing armor like a second skin. GOO/Oathbreaker can also do some great flavor stuff. My thinking is that EB warlock should be the non-spell based ranged champion. Fire Shield is a Level 4 Evocation Spell. This small metal shield is worn strapped to your forearm. Since all characters can shove as a bonus action in BG3, the feat has lost much of it’s appeal. Your statement about the +2 to AC depending on proficiency is still wrong. A finesse spear (like the spear of shar) can additionally add THOSE skills into the repetuire to be highly effective. In Baldur’s Gate 3, there are a total of twelve classes. Hotfix #1: The warlock multi classes are very meta in D&D and no doubt will be quite popular for bg3 powergamers and tactician runs. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Proficiency - if you arn't proficient no casting. Their total AC will be 19. It's usually interpreted in 5e that shields are NOT armor. the 1d8 shillelagh damage replaces the damage die of the weapon, so druids can equip a 1d4 club, buff it to 1d8 magical damage with shillelagh and still use a shield in the other hand for the +2 AC boost. Heavily Armoured is a feat that gains proficiency with Heavy Armour and increases your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20. Then go warlock for pact of the blade and Cha to hit and damage (i've heard thats what it does in BG3). Shield. Shield Master Overview. ; The level 10 Evocation School Wizard feature Empowered Evocation will add the wizard's intelligence modifier to each missile. Cantrip power scales at Character level 5 and 10 in BG3. It helps to have friends in high places. 2. quest. All of these items require a Shield proficiency. The best way to play a warlock is to apply a martial class philosophy to its mechanics.